Partner Tools
Everything you need for success.

Thousands of great products from Deluxe.

Help your customers find the business products they need to thrive, from a single reliable source. And we make it easy for you to spread the word with free marketing tools you can order below.

Browse the Deluxe products

Four easy ways to reach new customers.

Website Banner

This feature requires Javascript to be enabled. If you have Javascript enabled and continue to have issues please contact the Deluxe Referral Rewards program manager at 800-892-8929 or email us.
Get your banner
  1. Step 1: Personalize your banner
  2. I accept the Terms & Agreements
  1. Step 2: Select banner size
  2. Purchase Deluxe Products
    Use this PSC with your order: 1C356XT
    Purchase Deluxe Products
    Use PSC: 1C356XT
  3. Large (235x60) Small (120x60)

Step 3: Add to your website

Copy and paste the code snippet below into your pages, between the <body> and the </body> tags. Your affiliate code has already been included! If your website uses templates, you can also copy the code into your template, so the button will appear on all your pages automatically.

HTML Code (select text to highlight + copy):

Order Marketing Materials

Select materials:
  1. Discount coupons (3 per sheet) - View
  2. Referral business cards - View

To order quantities larger than 25, please contact your Referral Rewards Program Manager at 800-892-8929

Your information:

Download Free Material

Available Material
  1. Customized Sell SheetDownload
  2. Tax Sell SheetDownload

Create A Digital Signature

  1. Step 1:Type
  2. Step 2:Highlight and select "Add hyperlink" from the Edit menu in your e-mail application; insert this
  3. Step 3:Make your signature automatic on outgoing and incoming mail by modifying "signature preferences" in your e-mail application to include the Deluxe URL.
Instructions for creating a digital signature vary depending on your e-mail application or service. Refer to the Help section of your e-mail application for instructions on how to create a digital signature with a link to for your customers.